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Hall of Fame
2024-25 Inductees

We did not have any members reach the 25- or 50-Merit Mark milestones this squadron year. 

While not a Hall of Fame designation, Kathryn Granger achieved Senior status, which is earning 5 Merit  Marks. Congratulations Kathryn!

Charlotte Power Squadron Hall of Fame

The Hall of Fame was originated in 1992 by P/C Claud E. Hefner, JN. It honors members who have earned a minimum of twenty-five (25) merit marks. A merit mark is the USPS-wide recognition for the contributions made to USPS. Of all the awards conveyed by the organization, the merit mark is the most prestigious. A merit mark is awarded to a member by the Chief Commander based upon a recommendation by the member’s squadron commander. A member can earn only one merit mark per year. Levels of recognition include Senior Member (5), Life Member (25), and Emeritus Member (50).

Previous Recipients:

P/C William B. Lozier, Jr. AP

P/R/C Eugene J. Neal, JN

Lt. Robert D. Burns, P

P/C Rayner Weir, AP

P/C James O. Beard, Jr, AP

P/C Robert S. Hudgins, IV SN

P/C Cecil C. Marshall, AP

Mr. Clyde S. Medearis, AP

P/R/C J. Toms Dover, SN

P/C W. Clyde Burke, AP

Mr. Boyce M. Brown, Jr., JN

Mr. Donald R. Martin, AP

D/Lt/C Thomas K. Moore, Jr., AP

P/V/C Ralston M. Pound, Jr. SN

Mr. Carlton V. Winter, AP

P/C T. Melvin Cook, SN

P/C Harold J. Wilkinson, SN

P/D/C William C. Bodmer, JN

William C. Campbell, Jr. P

P/C Roseanne C. Bateman, P

P/C Charles R. Higgins, SN

P/Lt/C Robert L. McGinn, Jr. AP

P/1st/Lt Charles G. Rittenhouse, Sr. P

P/R/C Orlando E. Katter, Jr. AP

P/C J. Cleve Love, Jr, JN

P/C Claud E. Hefner, SN

P/D/C George H. Rogers, Sr. AP

P/C Carl A. Foesch, AP

P/C Henry W. Bateman, JM

P/C Wm. Marshall Bain, AP

P/C Marvin Chaney, Jr., SN

P/C George H. Rogers, Jr. P

P/C Brevard S. Myers, SN-IN

P/Lt/C Samuel S. Sanford, JN

P/C David M. Stewart, AP

P/Lt/C Mary D. Chaney, JN

P/Stf/C Charles R. Ibach, III SN-ACN

P/C John A. King, II AP

P/Lt/C Barbara Bartell, S

P/C Ronald H. Eveson, P

Life Members
Emeritus Members

P/D/Lt/C John J. Rodgers, SN

P/R/C Albert P. Parker, SN

P/C Kenneth J Mart, AP

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