P/C Marvin Chaney, Jr SN
2023-24 Recipient
Cdr Pat Hakanon, SN and P/C Jack Moore, AP-IN present the award to Marvin (center) this year. Marvin reversed his worst score of all Charlotte predicted loggers last year to being the best, with an overall 3.45% error. Along with two other Charlotte members, he helped recapture the Pride of Lake Wylie Trophy, besting the Catawba Sail and Power Squadron with an average 4.77% error to their 6.96% error. Congratulations Marvin and congratulations CPS!
Predicted Log Award
This award originated in 1981 in memory of P/C Walt Hipp, Jr (1987-88). It is presented annually to the squadron member completing a predetermined course on Lake Wylie with the lowest margin of error. The predicted log is held jointly with Catawba. There is also a “Pride of Lake Wylie” trophy that goes to the squadron that has the collective lowest average percent error across their top three participants.
Previous Recipients:
1991-92 P/C T. K Moore, Jr., AP
1992-93 Lt. Harry G. Garrison, Jr. AP
1993-95 Lt/C Steven R. Chancey, N
1995-96 Lt/C George Rogers, Jr., P
1996-97 P/C T. K. Moore, Jr., AP
1997-98 Lt. Brevard S. Myers, Jr. N
1998-99 D/Lt/C T. K. Moore, Jr., AP
1999-20 Lt. Brevard S. Myers, Jr. N
2000-01 Lt/C Brevard S. Myers, Jr., SN
2001-02 Kristen D. Osmond, P
2002-03 Warren G. Francois
2003-04 P/Lt/C Brevard S. Myers, Jr., SN
2004-05 Cdr Brevard S. Myers, Jr., SN
2005-07 P/C Brevard S. Myers, Jr., SN
2007-08 (cancelled due to low water)
2008-11 P/C Brevard S. Myers, Jr., SN
2011-15 P/C Brevard S. Myers, Jr., SN-IN
2015-16 (cancelled due to low water)
2016-17 P/C Brevard S. Myers, Jr., SN-CN
2017-18 P/Stf/C Charles R. Ibach, III, SN-CN
2018-19 D/Lt Brevard S. Myers, Jr., SN-CN
2019-20 P/Stf/C Charles R. Ibach, III, SN-ACN
2020-22 (cancelled due to pandemic)
2022-23 Lt/C Brevard S. Myers, Jr., SN-ACN
2023-24 P/C Marvin Chaney, Jr. SN
We Got it Back!
D/C Bill Beers (right) from Catawba Sail and Power Squadron presents the Pride of Lake Wylie Trophy to Cdr Pat Hakanson, SN and Cdr-elect Jack Moore, AP-IN