We are glad you want to join us!!
Complete this application to get the process started.
The application form will collect the data that we need. It should only take a few minutes to complete. Please complete it in one sitting; if you leave the form, you will have to start the process again. Note that for new members, there is a one-time-only $25 processing fee in addition to any annual fees associated with the membership type chosen.
We have a few types of membership that you should consider. You will be asked to make that choice when you complete the application. These are:
Active Member
This is the primary adult member age 18+, entitled to all the benefits of membership. If only one individual in a household plans to be a member, this is the correct membership category. Annual fee is $115.
Active with Family
This membership will include the primary active member as well as named individuals over the age of 12 that want to be members. Named individuals must live under the same roof as the primary active member. It is ok if one of the family members is a student away at school as long as they still consider the primary active member's address as their primary residence. All family members listed have the same benefits as the primary active member. Annual fee is $172.50, regardless of the number of people listed.
Apprentice / Sea Scout
This membership type is designed for our younger members, ages 12-23. At age 18, this membership will convert to Active unless the individual elects to remain an Apprentice. After age 23, the individual must convert to an Active membership. This member cannot hold office, be a committee chair, or vote on membership issues but is entitled to other benefits of membership. A separate form must be completed for each person applying under this membership category. Annual fee is $14.
Associate Member
Already a member of another squadron? Want to join us as well? You don't have to complete the application. Send an email here and we will contact you to sign you up. Annual fee is $25; no processing fee required.
Transferring Membership
Already a member of another squadron but want to permanently transfer to our squadron? You don't have to complete the application. Send an email here and we will contact you to start the transfer process.
United States Power Squadrons®
is America's Boating Club®
Membership Application
America's Boating Club® is a registered trademark of United States power Squadrons® which has been America's Boating Club since 1924.
* Required Field
Application for Primary Active Member
Application for Additional Household Members (Primary and Others must live in the same household)
I/we look forward to being active members(s) in our local squadron and are willing and able to help promote USPS/America's Boating Club's safe recreational boating mission in our community.
MEMCOM 1 New Member Application
July 2020
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